Updated: 11/20/2011

"Heartburn or pyrosis is a painful or burning sensation in the esophagus, just below the breastbone caused by regurgitation of gastric acid. The pain often rises in the chest and may radiate to the neck, throat, or angle of the jaw. Heartburn is also identified as one of the causes of chronic cough, and may even mimic asthma. Despite its name, heartburn actually has nothing to do with the heart. It is so called because of a burning sensation of the breastbone where the heart is located although some heart problems do have a similar sensation to heartburn. Compounding the confusion is the fact that hydrochloric acid from the stomach comes back up the esophagus because of a problem with the cardiac sphincter, a valve which misleadingly contains the word cardiac (an adjective referring to the heart) in its name." (Wikipedia)

Our readers offer information and opinions on Earth Clinic, not as a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician, pharmacist, or health care provider before taking any home remedies or supplements or following any treatment suggested by anyone on this site. Only your health care provider, personal physician, or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs or diagnose your particular medical history.


[YEA]  10/15/2007: Sandy from Kent, Ohio writes: "I was having burning and have long suffered with heartburn. I tried the ACV, baking soda and honey last night and it did feel much better. This morning I had a second dose - this time with the organic cider vinegar - but I immediately had the "runs" -. I am wondering' if I should cut back to one tablespoon of ACV since constipation has never been one of my problems - just the opposite. The burning feels a bit better and I am belching a lot but I wonder if I should limit dosage?"

08/22/2011: Alena from Salt Lake City, Ut replies: "It's the baking soda that is giving you the runs. Lol. Baking soda and Cream of Tartar will do that to a human :) FYI Cream of Tartar is AMAZING at clearing up yeast infections."
08/22/2011: Jr from Coloma, Mi replies: "How do you use the cream of tarter for yeast infections?"


[YEA]  03/19/2008: Sharon from Lockport, IL writes: "Eating a handful of raw almonds stops GERD dead in its tracks. My daughter ate almonds throughout her pregnancy whenever heartburn hit. It worked for her also."

[WORKED TEMPORARILY]  09/25/2008: Chundra from Cleveland, MS replies: "I tried the almonds and they partially worked. I am going to try the apple cider vinegar when I get home."


[YEA]  03/11/2010: Cinapia from New Bedford, Massachusetts, United States writes: "I was wondering if you could just take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar straight without mixing in water. I actually did this for 3 days because I started with really bad heartburn. I have to say, it worked! I don't mind the taste taking it straight and all at once, but mixing it with water and drinking it prolongs the process in my opinion. Unless there are adverse affects if taking it undiluted. Can you advise?"

10/09/2009: Lanette from Sacramento, Ca writes: "I would like to know if there is any problem with taking ACV with orange juice for heartburn. Thanks!"

10/09/2009: Crazydogjack from New Castle, Pa, USA replies: "Hi Lanette,

For me, orange juice triggers heartburn and acid reflux. Try it just with water. You get used to it. I actually enjoy drinking it now."

02/12/2010: Courtney from Lake Mary, Fl replies: "Can you tell me what ACV stands for and how to make this mixture? I suffer from heartburn nearly daily and eat Tums every night... Thanks!"

EC: ACV = Apple Cider Vinegar. See other posts in this section for recipes!

[WORKED TEMPORARILY]  08/25/2009: Brian from Lexington, Kentucky writes: "Initial results good then I hit a wall... I started out last Sunday with 2tsp ACV, 2tsp honey, dash of cinnamon and 10 ounces of water 3 times a day. I saw immediate results and was mostly heartburn free. One night I had to get up in the middle of the night and took an extra dose due to heartburn and it knocked it out. Last night, which was Wednesday I got heartburn after dinner, nothing unusual about the dinner and it would not go away. I took my normal dose at bedtime and it did nothing. I tried again about 4 hours later and nothing. I am discouraged because it was working well. Should I take more ACV or less. I am confused, help."

08/26/2009: Leelannee from Sussex, Nj replies: "I read somewhere here on earthclinic that if you take too much ACV, your stomach makes less of it's own acid. I've used the water cure with good success (using unrefined sea salt or celtic salt). A lot of people seem to have success with the mustard method, too. I'm going to try that, as I've been slacking off on the salt lately & the burn is returning!"
[YEA]  07/22/2009: Irena from LA, CA writes: "It's 3 in the morning and I had such bad heartburn I was throwing up! I went to my computer to look up a natural cure since it'd be too inconvenient to go to the store. just one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar saved me!! This site is awesome. Thank you!"

[YEA]  06/05/2009: Pat from Tulsa, Ok writes: "I've suffered from heartburn for about 8 years. I've had to take omeprazole for the last 3 years. I started taking raw, unfiltered ACV. No heartburn for over two weeks now. I take a 16.9 fl. oz. bottle, take one drink, & then fill it back up with ACV. It also seems to suppress appetite as well."

07/20/2009: Ed from Green Bay, Wisconsin replies: "I dont believe it, it really worked!...I was thinking to myself I bet someone is sitting behind their keyboard laughing their butt off thinking how many people are going to try this. Well I am gullible and I tried both ACV (mixed with pure maple syrup because I have no honey) and then I took a big gulp right out of the pickle jar!...yup they both worked. I did 2 teaspoons of ACV and then poured in the syrup (took a minute for the syrup to mix in with it) and boy is it NASTY!...but it works, it burned pretty bad for about 15-20 seconds after and then POOF it was gone!...then I decided for extra measure id slam some pickle juice. We recently got ACV because my wife found that mixed in with the pets' water its a great cure to rid fleas, otherwise we wouldnt even have it in the house. I have had GERD for about 10 years now and I have been taking prilosec as well as zantac and the like, and when I run out I use baking soda mixed with water and that almost makes me puke everytime, but also works. in a pinch I would suggest this to anyone, it really works!!! more water and baking soda for me, this is far more tolerable."
[YEA]  05/25/2009: Patty from Suburban Philadelphia, PA USA writes: "I've suffered chronic heartburn for 8 years and finally got myself down to one OTC PPI every other day but that really was not enough.I had heard that PPI's are bad for the bones. I am a 54 y/o woman, so I just had to get off this stupid pill. I have tried and tried to get off the proton pump inhibitor but always had to go back. Well I am so glad I found this info! I got the organic made in USA apple cider vinegar. 2 TEAspoons in 8 oz. 3 times a day.A little honey makes it quite refreshing on a hot day. I have it first thing in the morning, around midday and before dinner. No heartburn and I can even enjoy my cup of coffee and a before dinner beer. wow! It's only day 3 but usually by this time I am chewing antacids like crazy. have not even had one! I told my gastro guy I was going to do this and he said go ahead, it won't hurt you. I can't wait to tell him i am cured!! (fingers crossed)"

06/03/2009: Patty from Suburban Philadelphia, PA USA replies: "Just a follow up on the ACV comments I made.. I had a great first 5 days on ACV then heartburn started to creep back in. I wes so disappointed. I took one heartburn pill one day, skipped a day and then heartburn OTC H2 blocker again. All the while taking the 2 teaspoons organic raw ACV 3 times a day. Now I've been 3 days without any medication, just the ACV and things seem to have settled down and I think my body is adapting. It is good! I'm guessing that heartburn could have been part of the "rebound" of long term PPI use. I'm being careful in my diet and will stick with the ACV.So if you are just starting on the regimen, do give it a chance and expect a few bad days as you adjust. Good luck everyone!"
[YEA]  05/10/2009: Gage from Poland, Ny writes: "apple cider vinegar cured my heart burn! i swallowed 2 tablespoons and then the heart burn flared up so i was on the floor holding my chest then, bam, gone. i will never suffer from heart burn agin!"

[YEA]  01/12/2009: Melissa from Camden, MI writes: "I had terrible heartburn that I'm sure was brought on by Very spicy Chili and then a couple of wine coolers in the evening. Imediately came to earth clinic for my cure.. Sure enough! Apple cider vinegar! it worked!! Thanks once again earth clinic. I love this site."

[YEA]  11/17/2008: Sylvia from Colchester, Essex,England UK writes: "Hi, I had a bad attack of heartburn recently,none of the commercial products relieved it. I tried two teaspoons of applecider vinegar mixed with one teaspoon of honey. Guess what it worked! Regards Sylvia"

[YEA]  03/21/2009: Jean from Las Vegas, NV, USA replies: "I am now a believer! I used 2 tablespoons of ACV and 1 tablespoon of maple syrup just because I ran out of honey or I would have used that instead. The cure was instant."
[YEA]  02/27/2008: Anna from Los Angeles, California writes: "I just tried AVC for the first time and it actually is quite the miracle... I feel lots of energy just from the first drink! And I actually think it tastes pretty good... 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar 1/2 tspn of cayenne pepper 1/2 lemon juice 2 tspns of maple syrup I was not actually expecting to find this today or this website... while I couldn't go to school today from horrible heartburn and this remedy actually helps if you ever get heartburn!"

[YEA]  01/19/2008: sandy from modesto, ca writes: "2 tablespoons of ACV w/the mother mixed with 4 tablesspoons of fruit juice and my heartburn was gone! Super!... my husband won't try it, he's sticks with tums"

[YEA]  01/04/2008: chris a from san antonio, texas writes: "Hi just writing to let you all know that that I was looking for a remedy for Hep c and stumbled across H202. And ACV for high cholestrol. well i have been taking H2o2 as directed with a dropper. And i have noticed that this product cleared an annoying cough. The ACV helped out with the bad heartburn that i had. When the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob made this world he made it perfect. Praise the lord for the natural remedies that he has made. CGA, Sa,Tex"

[NAY]  08/14/2007: Jennifer from Windsor, California writes: "Hi Karen, My mother occasionally experiences the same heartburn discomfort after taking ACV. She can't take it on an empty stomach and has to sip it slowly. She does take it every morning after breakfast diluted in 16 oz of filtered water. In regards to lowering blood pressure, she's had wonderful success with cayenne pepper. Do a search on Dr. Richard Schultz for lots more info. My Mom's doctor reduced her blood pressure med in half several months ago and my Mom hopes to be able to stop completely when she goes back in for her checkup in a couple of months. Besides eating well and taking the ACV and cayenne, she walks several miles 3 - 4 times a week."

07/03/2009: Jeffrey from Woodbridge, NJ replies: "How was the cayenne pepper taken, how often, and in what quantity?"
[YEA]  01/30/2007: Debbie from Cortland, NY writes: "tried 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinager and i havent had any more problems with heartburn for 6mos already"

[YEA]  01/01/2007: Conni from Bainbridge, OH writes: "I remember my Grandmother (she's now 94)telling me about ACV tea with honey years ago, but I didn't take heed to her good teaching. In fact she had the book by Jarvis - 'Folk Healing' and has since given it to me. Anyway, in his book, Jarvis talks about preparing babies' formula (for those who can't nurse) with cows milk and using honey to sweeten it. It is my understanding that infants under a yr old cannot tolerate honey, as there is something in it that is toxic to them. Now, here's the weird daughter is 32 and when she was an infant I would often dip her pacifier in honey. She loved it and it never, ever made her sick. Of course, I had no idea at the time that honey is supposed to be toxic to little ones. Did she have a tolerance to honey and were we just really lucky it didn't make her sick? Could somebody share any experiences with this? I'm beginning to think the formula companies don't want young mothers to know there is an alternative to their expensive products and are using scare tactics to prevent a less pricey, and perhaps, more nutritious 'formula' from being used. As for the ACV....I plan on using it for more than just heartburn. I've had it for years off and on. I'd be prescribed meds and I'd take 'em, but the heartburn always came back. Recently it has been a constant companion for 3 weeks solid. I stumbled upon your website and feel like I've died and gone to heaven. It's wonderful. Thank you so much."

06/22/2009: Emily from Biddeford, Maine replies: "For the person wondering if we're being duped by formula companies, this is from the Weston A. Price Foundation's webite:

"A mere fifty years ago, part of the preparation for women during pregnancy, aside from a diet enriched by special animal foods, was the scouting out of a cow that would be given the best of pasture and whose milk would be available to the infant throughout its infancy. Today we know that we should dilute the milk and add other whole foods, but even before we knew these things, thousands of babies thrived on rich whole milk from a variety of animals. Yet some of the strongest words in the medical literature today are aimed at commercial formula's only competition-homemade formula based on cow or goat milk.

Today the new mother who finds herself struggling with nursing, and frantic at the frequent cries of her baby, is first told that she should have more confidence. When she gives in to the inevitable and switches to bottle feeding, she is told that formula made in factories is better than milk produced by living animals. Another formula customer is born."

01/31/2010: Jl from Atlanta, Georgia replies: "Honey can be FATAL for infants! Botulism spores can survive in honey's anaerobic environment, but are not concentrated enough to harm older children and adults. Infants however could die from the small amount of spores in honey. So, DON'T GIVE HONEY TO INFANTS! Of course you didn't know and I'm glad your daughter's okay. A lot of people don't know honey is dangerous for infants."
03/29/2011: Henri from Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada replies: "I read a book: The Cure For All Diseases by Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph. D. , N. D. In the book, p. 383, she gives instructions on eradicating Aflatoxin. Honey is one of the items she lists. Aflatoxin is mold and is present in some foods. She says to treat the honey for mold; heat the honey to high temperature and add 1/4 tsp. of crystal Vitamin C per pint of honey."
[YEA]  12/03/2006: Ryan from Ottawa, Ontario writes: "I have been experiencing recurrent chest pain for almost the last year, all tests (ECG's, Halter Monitor and lots of blood work) indicated that there was nothing wrong with my heart so the doctors put me on one of those fancy (and expensive) proton pump inhibitors as they assumed everything was related to GERD (acid reflux). I am not sure if it was GERD that I had but the chest pain has gone away. As a bonus I have been shedding pounds like never before. However I do think that the weight loss is mostly water due to the fact that ACV acts as a mild diuretic. Interestingly enought unlike other natural diuretics ACV doesnt affect your salts/electrolytes because it contains potassium. Really happy to have found this website!"

[YEA]  Connie from Eugene Oregon writes: "I recommend anyone with heartburn to keep ACV with cloves of garlic in the refrigerator and drink an ounce of that mixture next time it occurs. The results is almost immediate."

09/12/2011: Ck from Houston, Tx replies: "Can you tell us how you do an ACV/Garlic mixture?"
[YEA]  Ray from New York City writes: "I used to get severe heartburn after eating spicy things. Last year a friend recommended me to drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. In less than a minute the burning sensations were gone. Ever since that I have never had any burning sensations. I used to take tums and rolaids or drink milk and it would not provide fast relief. I used to suffer from heartburn after every meal. Even after breakfast! After stumbling on ACV, I have not suffered from heartburn ever since. It has cured my sinus headaches and also a wart that I had on my finger for 5 years! ACV is better than the doctor. I don't drink ACV but rather eat about 5 tbls. of it on a cabbage salad recipe. I eat it every day."


[YEA]  02/01/2010: Mich from Reno, Nv Usa writes: "I started having this burning sensation in my chest after eating, right above my diaphragm. It was obvious to me that it was at the end of my esophagus. I also noticed that food tended to get lodged there easily & I had to drink something to force it down into my stomach. This had been going on for about two weeks--I never had it before, so I knew something was wrong. I just assumed I had heartburn, so when I looked it up in a medical book, I found out there is no cure, but only treatments. I do not like to take medications of any kind. One evening I was so uncomfortable with this heartburn, that I decided to G----le "heartburn" (becoming desperate for relief at that point) & came across this site immediately (thank goodness!). The moment I started reading about using ACV, it got my attention but I had my doubts. So many people were saying it helped, so I put down the computer & immediately got the ACV (I use for salad dressing) from my cupboard & mixed 2 Tablespoons in about 10 oz of warm water. I immediately drank it slowly & within minutes I seemed to get some relief. The next day I did it again but added 1/4 teaspoon of Baking Soda (that I just bought to deodorize my refrigerator) and although I didn't like the taste of it, I still drank it. I'm on my 3rd day now & I really do feel better--no heartburn today. I will alternate adding baking soda to my water every other time I do it. I'm concerned about the enamel on my teeth, so I rinse my mouth immediately &/or brush my teeth right after I drink this concoction. I also feel less bloated, so I think this drink helps relieve the inflammation in my intestines as well as the end of my esophagus because I'm not getting that food lodging there as I used to. I am so glad I found this site and this remedy (because I would not have wanted to waste my time going to a doctor just to have them put me on medications that probably won't work.) I also do not like to have medications in my body. I only take vitamins & an occasional aspirin for headaches. So far, I would say this (Ted's) recipe (ACV Baking Soda Water) works, or at least gives me tremendous relief. I simply use the regular brand (H---z) used for Salad Dressing, but I think I will go to T----r J--s & get the B----s, just to see if it is any better. For now, I am happy to use what I already have in my cupboards. This works for me. I hope this helps anyone that maybe has a mild case of heartburn. By the way, I am a 55 yr-old female. "

EC: Ha ha! Thanks for the self-editing! Trader Joe's does not sell B----gs (at least not at ours), just their own brand of organic acv.


[YEA]  01/19/2010: Jim from Lapeer, Michigan writes: "After reading your site and seeing all the feedback about apples helping with heartburn, I decided to take the test. I abruptly quit my OTC heartburn medicine, which I had been taking for many years. I started eating an apple when I felt heartburn coming on or before bedtime. Almost a week later I am happy to say I am heartburn free! I've struggled with both heartburn and acid reflux for many years and this is the best I have felt in some time! Thank you for your site and to the many readers who had given their feedback! I am going to tell everyone about this miracle for me!"

02/19/2011: Ben from Chicago, Il replies: "Apples is also what I use for heartburn. They stamp heartburn out almost instantly for me. I also found that eating a pear can do just as well."
[YEA]  11/11/2009: Kelly from Cincinnati, Ohio writes: "A very good remedy for constipation and heartburn is: peel and core apples (sweet or sour) put them in a freezer ziploc bag (add 1 tablespoon of bottled lemon juice 2 tablespoons of water/gal. bag) and freeze. They come out like really good applesauce and are well worth the time spent. Here in Ohio when winter rolls around the apples are 3x the price and have no flavor. If you suffer from chronic constipation and heartburn they will especially help if you eat before bedtime. Hope this helps someone. God Bless."

[YEA]  04/05/2008: "I suffer from all kinds of gastro ailments. One night i couldn't sleep with the heartburn. The prevacid wasn't helping at that point and i felt very bad. I remembered I had read about apples for heartburn, and I thought, "what is there to lose." right after eating the apple I fell sound asleep! Thought someone might find this of interest."

[NAY]  02/09/2009: Danielle from Huber Heights , Ohio replies: "I'm pregnant and have been having horrible heartburn. I do not suggest the apples because that causes my heartburn. Real ones or juice."


[BETTER BUT WITH SIDE EFFECTS]  04/21/2009: Joeyduckie from Phoenix, Arizona writes: "I like to say that my Dr woods Grimm said I have Gerd and that I neee to take Ranitidine 150 mg twice a day and that I don,t like having side affect and so I have been looking into try cure what have and I am 53 year old and from Phoenix,Arizona and I did try the ACV 2 tabele spoon in 1-16 oz of water on with no food and I end up get Nause to my tumb so I went back to just eat a half a red apple and that seem to help more then just the ACV did and that I have been suffer from GERD for 2 years now and cut down on my eat and just learn how to eat right to.I can say that this website is wonderful and that I read 100 comments to and that I don,t like take drugs all do is cause more problems and that I don,t need and I am looking for better ways to keep my self health and drug companys all they want do is sale you drugs that make more sick and cost you $10,000 dollars in 1 year and you are not better but worse and that God made are body out dust of earth so good food will heal are body.So people I need your feed back so that I can know if I should cut down on water of using ACV or try just eat apple everyday to.and what else helps heartburn beside apples to? looking for forward of hear from you people. Josh Page USA"

[YEA]  01/09/2011: Brent from Montague, Pei Canada replies: "I first noticed a sore throat on Sept 2009 that would not go away, I was then diagnosed with Gerd. I tried PPI's (some relief), Gaviscon (only temp relief). After alot of research, I came by an article that mentioned that GERD is often a symptom of an underlying condition, often Candida. I asked my doctor about this, he told me that natural path practioners often refer to Candida, but that there really is not much proof available about the condition. Not discouraged, I decided to try the strictest Anti-Candida diet (it is an 8 week diet).

To my surprise, the GERD totally disappeared after the first week of the diet. I could eat as much as I want, as long as it is the specified foods in the diet. After 4 weeks on the diet, I lost 20 lbs and am feeling great. I decided not to go more than 4 weeks on the diet as I would lose too much wieght.

I will now try some Anti-Candida supplements, apparently candida is an overgrowth of yeast in the body, caused by over consumption of sugar or stress."

View the original article here