Inflammation - How to Naturally Improve Acid Reflux, Heart Burn and Inflammation Associated With It

What Is Acid Reflux?

The esophagus is a muscular tube that connects our mouth to our stomach. This circular muscle contracts to bring foods and liquids to the stomach. In the stomach is where acid develops. Our stomach acids do not normally reflux (go up into) our lower esophagus because of esophageal pressure that keeps the acid down in the stomach. Now, if that pressure does decrease for some reason, acid from the stomach can flow backwards into the lower esophagus. Unlike the stomach which has a protective barrier from acid, the lower esophagus is actually burned when it is exposed to stomach acid.

Now any of you who have read my other articles will probably know what I am going to say next. What happens to the esophagus when it is repeatedly exposed to stomach acid? (Riigghhtt). The acid causes loads of free radicals to release, which leads to oxidative stress, which leads to inflammation and damage to the esophagus.

The symptoms people get from reflux are mostly chest pressure, heart burn or chocking. The longer the symptoms occur the more likely you are to develop "reflux esophagitis" and "Barrett's esophagus" - a pre-cancerous condition.

What Causes Reflux?

1. Certain foods - It would help you to eliminate greasy or spicy foods, caffeine, aspirin, chocolate, tomatoes, acidic foods such as lemons, oranges, grapefruits and vinegar, carbonation, alcohol, coffee and high glycemic carbohydrates.

2. Increased abdominal pressure - This is mostly due to weight gain around your middle. That pressure can force acid out of the stomach into the esophagus.

3. Eat small meals - Eat small meals throughout the day instead of one large one.

4. Sit up after a meal - People can have reflux symptoms by lying down after eating.

5. Have your Dr. check for infection - Another cause of reflux is "H.Pylori". Once this is treated the symptoms should subside permanently.

Treating Acid Reflux.

Physicians usually prescribe a drug to decrease the production of stomach acid. That would be (1) H2 blockers like Tagamet, Pepcid, or Zantac or (2) Nexium, Prilosec, Aciphex, etc. which are proton pump inhibitors. The pump inhibitors are much stronger than the H2 blockers. They will improve the reflux symptoms and decrease stomach acid quickly. They are also difficult to quit if you use them for awhile. What happens is your stomach actually begins to make more stomach acid than it ever has before - its called the "rebound phenomenon". At that point the reflux symptoms usually return much stronger making Drs. conclude you have chronic reflux and will need to stay on the medication forever. (Thank-you pharmaceutical companies for not making this fact known).

A Nutritional Medicine Approach To Treating Acid Reflux.

Dr. Ray Strand, a well known nutritional medicine practitioner recommends discontinuing the proton pump inhibitor ONCE THE ESOPHAGUS HAS HEALED. Then take an H2 blocker (Pepcid, etc) twice a day since they do not create the "rebound phenomenon". Since the acid causes the cycle of free radical damage, oxidative stress and inflammation, the damaged area is low in antioxidants and their supporting nutrients. So IN ALL PHASES of medical treatment it is important to build up the nutrients to optimal levels with an abundance of antioxidants through an aggressive pharmaceutical grade nutritional supplement.

In addition to this, implementing a life-long health program which will permanently keep the belly fat off and thus reduce the central weight which then reduces abdominal pressure. This gives you the opportunity for relief with all the additional health benefits for life.

Sue Ferenc has counseled numerous individuals to have the proper nutritional balance in their body to gain improvement in their health and reduce the risk of disease. To get her exclusive report on naturally reducing the effects of inflammation go to right now to claim your free report.

Sue Ferenc has been in education for 27 years. She has spent the last seven years educating people in natural health solutions. To get her free report on how to naturally gain energy, prevent disease, achieve optimal health and age with confidence go to